El chico se consagró como el más exitoso en Estados Unidos, sin embargo, no puede alcanzar la recaudación que generó el rey del pop.
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011
Amigos, hay que decirlo: el reinado de Michael en la tierra parece estar en peligro, pues ha llegado al mundo de la fama y el brillo pop el pequeño canadiense, con cara de angelito, que es Justin Bieber. Es que el cantante sacó a relucir sus fans y, en cifras, se está acercando con furia a los logros del rey del pop, (que obtuvo aún después de su desaparición).
El chico se consagró como el más exitoso, entre los exitosos, en Estados Unidos (meca del éxito, claro) y desplazó del primer puesto a nuestro Michael: “Never say never”, la película en la que se lo ve a Justin como una suerte de ídolo teen que cuenta su vida, recaudó 72.200.000 dólares; mientras que “This is it” obtuvo 72.100.000.
Pero Jackson todavía da pelea (loca, sí, loca expresión) porque, a nivel mundial, lidera el primer puesto con un promedio de recaudación de 189.100.000 dólares contra los 10.800.000 de Bieber.
COMENTARIO: Es absurdo comparar a Justin Bieber con Michael Jackson , The king of pop ,sus logros , records , canciones , pasos de baile y sus innumerables caracteristicas como una gran supernova del espectaculo es inalcanzable hasta para la mismisima Madonna, ¡por favor de que estamos hablando!, este reportaje fue sacado de una publicacion de periodico Argentino. Sin embargo gracias a estas publicaciones la gente comienza a entender que son ciertas y se crean ciertos mitos urbanos inverosimiles. Demas esta decir que Justin Bieber es tan solo una moda estacional Estadounidense.
traducción del español al inglés
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friends, we must say: the reign of Michael on earth seems to be in danger, it has come to world fame and the small Canadian pop sheen, with face of an angel, who is Justin Bieber. Is that the singer brought out their fans and in figures, is approaching with fury to the achievements of the king of pop, (who was even after his disappearance).
The boy was crowned the most successful among the successful U.S. (mecca of success, of course) and moved from first place to our Michael: "Never say never ", the movie that Justin sees it as a sort of teen idol who has his life, raised $ 72,200,000, while "This Is It" got 72,100,000.
But Jackson still gives fight (crazy, yes, mad expression) because, globally, leading the first place with an average revenue of $ 189,100,000 against 10,800,000 in Bieber.
COMMENT: It is absurd to compare to Justin Bieber with Michael Jackson, The king of pop, achievements, records, songs, dance steps and countless features like a great supernova of the show is unattainable even for Madonna herself, to please we're talking!, this report was taken from an Argentine newspaper publishing. However, thanks to these publications people begin to understand that they are true and believe urban myths improbable. Needless to say, Justin Bieber is only a seasonal American fashion.
Friends, we must say: the reign of Michael on earth seems to be in danger, it has come to world fame and the small Canadian pop sheen, with face of an angel, who is Justin Bieber. Is that the singer brought out their fans and in figures, is approaching with fury to the achievements of the king of pop, (who was even after his disappearance).
The boy was crowned the most successful among the successful U.S. (mecca of success, of course) and moved from first place to our Michael: "Never say never ", the movie that Justin sees it as a sort of teen idol who has his life, raised $ 72,200,000, while "This Is It" got 72,100,000.
But Jackson still gives fight (crazy, yes, mad expression) because, globally, leading the first place with an average revenue of $ 189,100,000 against 10,800,000 in Bieber.
COMMENT: It is absurd to compare to Justin Bieber with Michael Jackson, The king of pop, achievements, records, songs, dance steps and countless features like a great supernova of the show is unattainable even for Madonna herself, to please we're talking!, this report was taken from an Argentine newspaper publishing. However, thanks to these publications people begin to understand that they are true and believe urban myths improbable. Needless to say, Justin Bieber is only a seasonal American fashion.
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